Sunday, 30 June 2013

My Favourite Movie Quotes

I'd thought I would do something a little different from my usual posts and mix it up a bit by doing a post on my favourite movie quotes. These are all quotes which I think have a valuable meaning or those that I just like in general, so I hope you enjoy reading!

Oh yes, the past can hurt. But you can either run from it, or learn from it.
- Rafiki, from The Lion King
There are many things in the past that I would rather forget and I assume it's the same for everyone. There have been times of incredible embarrassment as well as times of sadness but it's better to learn from these memories instead of trying to hide from them or run away from them, so you can prevent them from happening again.  

It takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies, but a great deal more to stand up to your friends.
- Dumbledore, from Harry Potter
If there is one thing that you should know about me, then its the fact that I am a huge Harry Potter fan! I could go on and on about Harry Potter but I will have to save it for another post. Basically, this is one of my favourite movie quotes from Harry Potter as its something that I think is important to consider. To stand up to your friends can be something quite scary or daunting, as I guess in some ways, you have more to lose than if you stand up to an enemy. By standing up to a friend, it could mean losing a valuable friendship and so you may feel that you can't do it. If I could give advice, I would suggest that you should be brave like Neville Longbottom as if you think that your friend(s) are going something wrong, then you should say something. If they are truly your friend they will value what you say.

Life moves pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it
- Ferris, from Ferris Bueller's Day Off
I haven't actually watched this film, and to be honest, I hadn't even heard of the film until I had googled the quote to see where it had come from! But yeh, I like this quote as it's all about appreciating the present and living in the moment. You should take some time to take in what you have at one particular time and not look back on the past, with regret. 

My mama always said, life is like a box of chocolates. You never know what you gonna get.

-Forrest Gump, from Forrest Gump
This is a classic feel-good film that I love to watch. I love the whole message of the film about how a guy, who you would think would have no opportunity, ends up making a difference to so many people's lives. And I think this quote sums up the whole film, life is very unpredictable, you don't know whether it's going to be good or bad but you should make the most of what you've got.

You can't live your life for other people. You've got to do what's right for you, even if it hurts some people you love.
- The Notebook
Sometimes it's OK to be a bit selfish once in a while. If you spend your life pleasing other people, your only really, going to make yourself miserable. You only have one life, live it to the full.

I live in a world full of people pretending to be something they're not
- Cinderella Story
This quote is true to some extent. Some people are genuine and are themselves but others feel the need to put on a façade, either to feel popular or to feel as they 'belong' to a certain group. I understand that sometimes, people have their reasons for this but its better that people know the real you than the fake you.

So, I hope you enjoyed reading this post, please leave a comment below to leave your thoughts on these quotes or to share some of your favourite quotes from your favourite films, I look forward to reading them! 
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Would you like to see a 'part 2' to this blog post? I have lots of other film quotes to still share with you, so leave me a comment or email me at You can email me any suggestions, blog post ideas or just to have a conversation there!

Thursday, 20 June 2013

A Bad Day...

'1 universe, 8 planets, 204 countries, 804 islands, 7 seas, 7 billion people. Don't let 1 ruin your day.'

Sometimes some bad news, bullying, a break-up, a fight or something else can completely consume you and you forget to think of anything other than that. I saw this quote the other day, on a day when I had been really upset about what someone I knew had done and how they had hurt me. But like the quote says, sometimes you need to put things into context.

There is no point having a down day JUST because of that one person who happened to ruin it. Your not doing yourself any favours, and in fact you are letting the other person win. Sometimes you need to step back and think, 'Am I going to let this insignificant person ruin a great day, or am I going to ignore it for my own well-being and not let it affect me?'

Obviously, in certain situations its not possible to ignore someone completely as sometimes things can happen that affect you deeply. Therefore, in those times I think its important to talk to those who are closest to you and who can help you get through a hard time. If you ever feel that you can't talk to someone you know, then you can always talk to me by emailing me. Just know that I am always willing to listen and help in any way I can.

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Monday, 3 June 2013

A Year Later...

Its coming up to a year since my uncle died. When I look back over the last year, I can't help but think about all the things he has missed out on, especially in the lives of his own children. I've never really talked about his death with anyone really, but I think it would be good for me to share some of my thoughts.

There are many things that I wish I could say to him now that I know I can't. I want to tell him that although we didn't speak, I still miss him. I want to tell him how I am thankful for all the memories we had and all the great times. I want to thank him for how he made me happy when I was sad, and how I would never see him angry. Most of all, I want to tell him that although I never I told him, I love him and miss him very much. 

If there was one piece of advice that I had to give someone, it would be to tell all those you love, whether it be your friends or family, how much they mean to you before its too late. You never know what's going to happen tomorrow.
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